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Xwdock - General Discussion


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No. Why do I have to share these source code ? It's rather good written code and not so small. Anyway I haven't received any donations so I hope one day to sell the code. As we can notice, before, when I shared sources of 5.6 no one wanted to continue supporting the code, what will be different ? I think nothing.

There are no viruses. It may happens because XWD downloads/checks new version of XWD online, therefore in XWD can be found some same signatures that can be interpritated as viruses. No need to redistribute your own version of XWD.exe and Container.dll


I've used http://www.virustotal.com, so XWD.exe - no viruses at all, 0 from 41, but yes, Container.dll has 3 from 41. So, as you can see it's only 7,317% (3 / 41 * 100%). I think it's problem of all antiviruses, that they think that it's a virus but it's not truth. Please, be sure that you scaned using a bit more antiviruses!

First of all let me say that I know it's hard work to develop programs such as this beautiful dock. I am a student at a IT university and i know how to code and I am a MS. Certified System Administrator.

My computer got infected with a rootkit and it can happen to anyone else. Check and change your code because it presents security risks. That's all i said.

I only try to help you by replying nicely and suggesting that you recode container.dll and xwd.exe so it does not give you a false positive AT ALL.

After all, first I taught it was a false positive and I chose to ignore and i was infected with a rootkit.

I use what antivirus software is best and that is Kaspersky. I don't need to install Bitdefender or other antiviruses to check on a .dll and tell me the same thing.

By the way if it was a false positive the critical column should say "low" not "high".

Second thing is that i asked for a non infected container.dll. I don't wish to redistribute those two files. I want my dock to be virus free. That's all.

Third thing you should know that you don't scan a file on shady websites with 41 definitions? what is that 3 out of 41 and what's with that math thing? Did you mean that only 3 antiviruses out of 41 give a false positive on that dll? Oh... and that website got the award of PC WORLD BEST PRODUCT OF 2007 not 2010...

The main reason i use this dock is because of container.dll witch is the best stack i have ever seen on any dock because it shows in real-time how many files you have in a folder, so if you have "downloads" container and you download a new file from the internet you don't have to restart the dock to actually see the new file in that stack.

Bottom line: All i want is that container.dll to be not infected and to download it from somewhere.

On another topic, if you don't wish to go open source and let other deal with that problem, you will have to deal with the antivirus problem. No one will buy that code when they see Trojans.

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Is really sad to see that this project (XWD 2.02) is going to slow, mean while the WXD 5.6 is fully functional on windows xp, looking so smooth with a lot of more features than the new one. Right now i'm using windows 7 unfortunately XWD 5.6 doesn't work at 100% on this platform. And i'm planning to change the OS from W7 to WXP just because of that, for XWD5.6.

XWD 2.02 need three things in my opinion to get much better and give that big step on its development:


-mouseover (when you put the pointer of your mouse over the edge of the screen the dock appears)

-more features to edit skins (in fact skins from XWD5.6 looks really better and all the skins from XWD2.02 looks like the same)

Also is bad you haven't got a donation for your work to garantee the future of this great piece of software.

Anyway we apreciate your work and keep going as you can.

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regarding the open source... even xwd2 would be open source, the development would be as slow as it is now or maybe even slower and chaotic.

I suggest you to sell the code to a company that would develop this dock further and not buy it just to add another product in their collection or to kill it. So before you sell it, please make sure the software company deserves this great piece of software!

Good luck and hopefully one day we can buy xwd2(or whatever name it would have) because right now I wouldn't use ObjectDock or any software from Stardock even I they would give it out for free(which btw I can because you can find their cracked software on any DDL/qares website).

As for the rest of us, until then, we can use xwd 5.6 which works and looks almost perfectly! Like bobah said... how come no one developed xwd5.6 further being open source and all?

I bet if some good developers would work on xwd5.6, this piece of software could really progress nicely... any volunteers???

Edited by dpcdpc11
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mitzaodx, be sure I didn't write trojans code, I don't know what Kaspersky does so that detects the viruses! I'm using ESET32 and as you can see on that web site (checking viruses online) only 3 of 41 antiviruses found that trojan, and only for Container.dll, XWD.exe doesn't contain anyone (0 of 41 antiviruses found). So, If you download dock from xwdock.aqua-soft.org I'm sure there are no viruses, because I wrote dock not trojans!

I don't know what I have to rewrite so that make Kaspersky likes the dock ;)

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The only reason that Kapersky and two other virus scanners take this to be a virus is because of the way it acts, and because it has similarities to trojans and other malware. So do other legitimate programs in the world. When I used Kapersky, it even marked a legit MICROSOFT program as malware, so you cannot believe just what ONE antimalware programs says. Mitzaodx, if this is the only reason that is barring you from using this program, so be it. There's many other dock programs out there without this issue. Also, there are thousands of other users of XWD and not one has come to this forum stating this issue. None of them have come to this forum saying they got infected by trojans and malware because of this program. Look through every nine of these pages, none say anything like that. Bobah does not need to rewrite this program just for you. If there was a real problem, he would look into it.

About the open source, I do not believe this would be a good idea. I must side with dpcdpc11 with this one, however, I don't think that it should be sold to a company because eventually, Bobah will eventually be erased from the history of its creation if that happens. It's best to leave it as-is. Development may be slow, and many highly requested features may not be added for a while, but it works, doesn't it? It's beautiful, and not even Stardock can create a dock as close to the real thing. I'd hate to see it get crippled by leaving it in others hands.

One quick note, I don't mean to be mean here. I mean the most respect in the world, mitzaodx, but your criticism of this program and its developers is a little too much. If the dock's components were true viruses, don't you think other large antimalware companies, such as Symantec and Panda, would also detect that as a virus? Having only 3 of the 41 scanners detect this as malware should tell you that it is obviously a false positive, nothing to worry about. Just tell your program, Kapersky, to ignore it during scans. Or, take it further, and report it to Kapersky. Simple as that, all fixed. Anyways mate, I hope you enjoy XWD even through this mishap :)

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mitzaodx, be sure I didn't write trojans code, I don't know what Kaspersky does so that detects the viruses! I'm using ESET32 and as you can see on that web site (checking viruses online) only 3 of 41 antiviruses found that trojan, and only for Container.dll, XWD.exe doesn't contain anyone (0 of 41 antiviruses found). So, If you download dock from xwdock.aqua-soft.org I'm sure there are no viruses, because I wrote dock not trojans!I don't know what I have to rewrite so that make Kaspersky likes the dock ;)

I can't download anymore from xwdock.aqua-soft.org because as soon as it downloads the archive kaspersky delete's it.

xwdock.aqua-soft.org is the only place i downloaded the dock.

please put container.dll in an archive (zip) and upload it here:

/>http://www.kaspersky.com/scanforvirus - infected
/>http://www.virustotal.com/ - by the way my kaspersky version is not linux version) and FSecure does not detect anything (probably not the latest version) (4/41)
/>http://virusscan.jotti.org - Fsecure and Ikarus (infected)
/>http://onlinescan.avast.com/ - not infected

I don't have time to scan this dll with all antiviruses.

The thing is that it is infected with Trojan.Win32.FakeAV.wr and i submitted the file to kaspersky.

Maybe it's a false pozitive after all. I will allow it and add it as an exception. I will add only XWD.exe and container.dll as exception and see if it happens again BUT if i will get that rootkit again, i will Screenshot and post it on this forum.

The only reason that Kapersky and two other virus scanners take this to be a virus is because of the way it acts, and because it has similarities to trojans and other malware. So do other legitimate programs in the world. When I used Kapersky, it even marked a legit MICROSOFT program as malware, so you cannot believe just what ONE antimalware programs says. Mitzaodx, if this is the only reason that is barring you from using this program, so be it. There's many other dock programs out there without this issue. Also, there are thousands of other users of XWD and not one has come to this forum stating this issue. None of them have come to this forum saying they got infected by trojans and malware because of this program. Look through every nine of these pages, none say anything like that. Bobah does not need to rewrite this program just for you. If there was a real problem, he would look into it. About the open source, I do not believe this would be a good idea. I must side with dpcdpc11 with this one, however, I don't think that it should be sold to a company because eventually, Bobah will eventually be erased from the history of its creation if that happens. It's best to leave it as-is. Development may be slow, and many highly requested features may not be added for a while, but it works, doesn't it? It's beautiful, and not even Stardock can create a dock as close to the real thing. I'd hate to see it get crippled by leaving it in others hands. One quick note, I don't mean to be mean here. I mean the most respect in the world, mitzaodx, but your criticism of this program and its developers is a little too much. If the dock's components were true viruses, don't you think other large antimalware companies, such as Symantec and Panda, would also detect that as a virus? Having only 3 of the 41 scanners detect this as malware should tell you that it is obviously a false positive, nothing to worry about. Just tell your program, Kapersky, to ignore it during scans. Or, take it further, and report it to Kapersky. Simple as that, all fixed. Anyways mate, I hope you enjoy XWD even through this mishap :)

After BOBAH13 scanned the file on http://www.virustotal.com/ he found 3 out of 41. I found 4 out of 41. Maybe tomorrow we will find 5 out of 41. Who knows...

If you bothered to read my post i said that i use this dock because of Container plugin (stacks).

I use also rocketdock with stacks but it does not show files in real time.

I have to restart the dock if i add a new file to the folder witch is stacked in order to be shown inside the stack.

I don't want to rewrite the program for ME, i wanted to rewrite THE PART that presents a security risk: container.dll and XWD.EXE so it does not give a false positive (or actually a virus - waiting for a reply from kaspersky), i think the part that checks for updates.

I don't think you would like to get infected or anyone else. I wanted to be recoded for the community, so we all use this software without having a security risk.

Maybe Panda, Symantec, Bitdefender ... (insert antivirus name here) would get to it later.

I saw infected computers with Symantec and Panda even Bitdefender but none with Kaspersky and i manage over 200 pc's at a big company for 2 and a half years.

As I stated before i did report it to kaspersky and i will add to exception, but if i get infected again with that rootkit i will screenshot it and post it here.

Regarding the sell topic i have to agree with btb42693. Don't sell dude. All you need is marketing for this program.

Post on other windows customization sites like winmatrix about this wonderful dock and people will see that is a nice piece of software and start using it, develop plugins etc.

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marketing is not the problem here for xwd2... the software even though it's still a beta has a real success... people are downloading it like crazy even though xwd 5.6 works perfectly in win7 as well on xp.

the problem is that almost none of these people are willing to donate a mere dollar or euro or something to the developer.

I bet that more than 2000 people are using it and I see that there were more than 60.000 downloads at launch. Imagine if only half of the people would donate 1 Euro... that would be a good reward for bobah at least enough to make him work on xwd2.

And there are many ways to sell a software... if bobah sells xwd2, it doesn't mean that he must remain in the anonymity because he can agree with the buyer to always credit bobah for his work.

Regarding the virus alert... I didn't get nothing about the container plugin (using ESET NOD32 as well), but a strange thing that sometimes happen to xwd5.6 as well is the following: I'm using the recycle bin icon on the dock (both xwd2 and 5.6) and sometimes when I have some files in the trash, NOD32 just goes crazy... keeps scanning over and over xwd.exe and killing slowly the CPU. All this goes away the moment I empty the trash. I've tried trashing different type of files but it doesn't seem to matter... this happens totally random.

Anyone ever experienced this?

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I don't think you would like to get infected or anyone else. I wanted to be recoded for the community, so we all use this software without having a security risk.

I don't know how I can tell you, that I didn't write trojan! and how you can think container.dll or xwd.exe can infect your PC without trojan code ? It's very interesting.

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i have been using this dock since launch, and it has been great, apart from one thing. minimisation. currently i have a transparent rk launcher to the side of XWD where windows are minimised to, but if there is one feature i would love to see in XWD more than anything, it would be minimisation like in 5.6 with the genie effect. I dont care much for magnification really because i prefer it without it. and as for the dock appearing when you move mouse over the bottom of the screen, PERSONALLY, i wouldn't use that.

But i have to say, the new features you introduced, stacks, bouncing icons and dock expose, are brilliant. awesome. amazing.

i am sorry to say, that i have little to no money atm :( but i can honestly say IF i had the money and magnification was implmented, i would donate

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just to add something else, i was just wondering about the possibility of a "show in explorer" button in stacks, like in Mac or even in Matonga's stacks. atm i just have s shortcut to the folder called "open in finder" but it would be nice to have a built in one :) oh and i finally managed to connect my computer to the internet and saw the update notification thing pop up in the dock! it is yet another wonderful addition to a great dock :)

oh and have a nice summer :)

Edited by Vistapple
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys. New here. Went out from ObjectDock to the XWDock and I gotta say, the difference is incredible!

XWD is so fast for everything, is simple, and most of all the best looking of all docks.

Just got a little question for you: some pages behind was said that it can be runned in portable mode, and this way the settings would be saved in the main folder. Am I right?

If so, could someone tell exactly what to do to run in portable mode? Because i did not really understand the way it was explained back there.

Thanks in advance for help and congratulations, this is the best dock out there, no doubts!

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Hey thanks for your answer man. Got it to work in portable.

But something else came up, maybe something is wrong just here or you could adjust in next version.

Happens like this: anytime some full screen application is turned on, the dock is hidden by default. If the app stays on for a little, everything's just fine. But if it stays on for some more time, like 5 minutes, when I close and the dock appears, but in the back of the windows. In my case, I reserve the edge of the screen, so the labbels do not appear. It just appears if I click the dock or if I go in options and uncheck and recheck the keep on top option.

Is it normal? Thanks for help and congrats agains!

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