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To All The Mac Elitists And Know-it-alls

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Emulating the Mac OS has been popular for years. It started with the birth of WinMac, by Ritchie Chow. He saw a need for Mac users that were stuck on PC's, to have an easier transition. His Finder Bar replica was a way for Mac users to feel familiar in a strange environment. It wasn't treachery on his part, only a way to help us Mac users lives simpler.

Later came the birth of such apps as MacVision, Window Blinds, and VDE. All of them have a plethera of Mac OS designs. And none of them bore the brunt of such accusations or animosity during their long LONG lives. Most of these apps survive today. VDE is now DesktopX and MacVision is now ObjectBar. Say what you will about using Apple design technology, but without it, many Mac users would have a hard time moving around the clumsy and faulty Windows environment.

Aqua-Soft was also born of this tradition. Even before Mac OS X made it out of beta, the Aqua-apps were in their early stages. Jef did it out of a long time respect for such artists as Jeff Bargmann, Ritchie Chow, and Bob j. Barreveld. He also wanted experience programming.

Little do many of you know, or pay attention, but many of us at Aqua-Soft OWN Mac's. I have 4 of my own, and ONE PC. I prefer Mac's, I am proud of Mac OS and Apple, and I am not a fan of Windows. However, I am not such a Mac-o-phile elitist that I'd feel the need to attack someones website with Dos-attacks or multiple downloads in order to shut them down. Nor do I feel the need to write Apple about it. I have enough in my REAL life to worry about then corresponding with numerous sources in order to exact some sick sort of revenge for something that does not effect me.

Point is, there are many attempts like ours, and there will be MANY more. It's out of a deep sense of respect, comfort, ease-of-use, tradition, and love for Apple.

With all the issues in the wor

ld (hunger, racism, war) you'd think all this energy could be focused elsewhere with REAL results. Instead, some children waste valuable time and energy on trivial nonsense like this, and the world continues its downword spiral.

I respect many of you, now, do the same in return.

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I dont think many of us really care about whatever those people do. I never thought it was a huge deal to begin with, personally. I just ignore the people, whoever they are, that try to bust us. I mean, what can they do? Not much. They can whine and complain; doesnt bother me. I do this only because of love for apple and what they do. Just what you said Duckie. And that is the only reason and will always be the only reason. I too have owned "A" mac, actually I grew up with one. It was a Performa 550 with system 7 or something. I dont think it was any earlier than that, but that was the first computer I was introduced to. So macs are kind of in my blood I guess I could say. I caught right on to the machine, even at 5 years old. I never really felt that warm, comfortable, at ease feeling with any pc. Most of my friends had pc's and I could never use them! But, thats what the market is offering us now. (at least for some of us) I plan to get a mac in the future. This summer I will definitly pick up a job and save up for a nice iBook. But, for now I will do this.

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Ya system 7 and below, they bring back memories. Childhood memories that is for me. A time when I didnt ever worry about crashing or freezing. Infact I had no comprehension of what that was because it never happened. I had a mac. I just went and played my games with freedom! Without a care or a worry in the world because I never even gave a hint of thought about my game being interrupted. Ahhh, the good old days! :)

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Agreed Duckie...At heart I am big Apple fan. I've owned 7 Macs and one Mac Clone. During my undergrad education I was in charge of our all Macintosh/Mac clone digital video/3D modeling lab. I've got stacks and stacks Macworld issues from as far back as '92. And I've lugged one of the old Walstreet PowerBooks along with an external hardrive all over Europe and then back to the states (where it sadly died about 18 months ago year), spreading the Apple gospel all the way.

It wasn't untill this year when I had to buy a new windows PC for my graduate education. They treat Mac users as second class citizens here and strongly discourage using Macs. I've aquified my wintel PC to make it feel a little bit more like home. That and I enjoy the strange looks and comments I get when starting up my laptop before class as well as the "what are those things at the bottom of your screen" comments. ;)

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Elitists and know it alls...

Sounds like that retarded Penny Arcade strip.

Not all Mac users are elitsist. Just because you see people on commercials telling how they don't like PCs doesn't mean they think they're better than anyone. If that was so, then I guess everyone on commercials would be elitists. All these people are doing is giving their expiriences with Apple's competiters so they can hopefully have more business (and it's been working, too).

Oh, yeah, Macs rule. My first computer was a PC and I still have it (plan on upgrading it so it hopefully won't screw up all the time..oh wait, that's called Windows). I switched to Macs not even a year ago. I kind of like these Aqua apps. They make Windows not look so...ew.

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Exactly where did I state ALL Mac users are elitist? I'm a Mac user, therefore, by your logic, I would be directing this at myself, in your logic.

Ease up there killer. I was making a point about our recent visitors who have had nothing good to say and have made it their mission to sully our lives with there mundane dribble.

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Duckie, you inspired me to write this on my site:

"In a related story, Stardock/Object Desktop guru Brad Wardell has been writing about his experiences as a Macintosh user in his blog. Now I will be the first person to say that most Macintosh users, if not all Macintosh users, are ignorant morons who should jump into the path of a speeding train and that most Macintosh users don't care much for free speech, but I really think that Wardell's comments are a little harsh. In fact, if he does not show his pro-Macintosh sympathies by freeing the MacVision by the end of the week, I think we should launch a boycott of his products..."

Within an hour and a half, someone came by and bashed Wardell for his postings. An hour and a half after that Wardell came by to tell that poster to get a life.


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I agree, alot of mac users have this elitist attitude and it stinks, they have no openmind whatsoever. All they think is "PC's suck", "Windows sucks" and they wont budge. I like both platforms and both machines. And people attacking sites like they have been, is just plain lame. I mean, this isnt our country or family or values were fighting for, it's an inanimate and inaffectionate machine and OS. Like get a life people! :) Some mac users are just sooo pathetic.


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My first computer was an old apple iie. we still have it...it is sitting on top of my refrigerator with its 2 5.25 inch hard drives and led printer. I grew up with that computer and I would never be anywhere near as intelligent as I am today without that and the plethora of programs I have for that (math programs, english and the like). at a young age they allowed me to advance my learning skills. I will always be grateful to apple for providing me via their computer, with such enjoyment as a child.

Now that I'm older I am a Computer Science and Engineering Major in college and now use a Windows Machine. I love Windows XP but hate its interface, thats why I am trying to make it more graphically impressive. I think these attacks are stupid and childish and just go to show how ridiculous some Macintosh users are to do this. If their OS really IS superior to Windows, they would have no need to do this. In addition, we don't go try to take down the major Macintosh theme sites for hosting their 2 windows xp-lookalike skins. It is stupid and childish.

Like Duckie said, you have more productive things to do

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Originally posted by Duckie@Dec 6 2002, 09:39 PM

Emulating the Mac OS has been popular for years. It started with the birth of WinMac, by Ritchie Chow. He saw a need for Mac users that were stuck on PC's, to have an easier transition. His Finder Bar replica was a way for Mac users to feel familiar in a strange environment. It wasn't treachery on his part, only a way to help us Mac users lives simpler.

Later came the birth of such apps as MacVision, Window Blinds, and VDE. All of them have a plethera of Mac OS designs. And none of them bore the brunt of such accusations or animosity during their long LONG lives. Most of these apps survive today. VDE is now DesktopX and MacVision is now ObjectBar. Say what you will about using Apple design technology, but without it, many Mac users would have a hard time moving around the clumsy and faulty Windows environment.

Aqua-Soft was also born of this tradition. Even before Mac OS X made it out of beta, the Aqua-apps were in their early stages. Jef did it out of a long time respect for such artists as Jeff Bargmann, Ritchie Chow, and Bob j. Barreveld. He also wanted experience programming.

Little do many of you know, or pay attention, but many of us at Aqua-Soft OWN Mac's. I have 4 of my own, and ONE PC. I prefer Mac's, I am proud of Mac OS and Apple, and I am not a fan of Windows. However, I am not such a Mac-o-phile elitist that I'd feel the need to attack someones website with Dos-attacks or multiple downloads in order to shut them down. Nor do I feel the need to write Apple about it. I have enough in my REAL life to worry about then corresponding with numerous sources in order to exact some sick sort of revenge for something that does not ef

fect me.

Point is, there are many attempts like ours, and there will be MANY more. It's out of a deep sense of respect, comfort, ease-of-use, tradition, and love for Apple.

With all the issues in the world (hunger, racism, war) you'd think all this energy could be focused elsewhere with REAL results. Instead, some children waste valuable time and energy on trivial nonsense like this, and the world continues its downword spiral.

I respect many of you, now, do the same in return.


- what im affraid of is that they are stupied spoiled kids and they wouldnt understand that.

let me just add, incase that freaking ass-zit reading here, that i (and i understood also taha) purchased a mac only cause we all love apple's creations.


i hope what you said would help as much as possible duckie.

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EVERY person I show my aquified desktop to says the same thing: "Why the heck dont just you go out and buy a Mac??"

Here's the multi-faceted answer:

1) It's fun -- much of our motivation is in the challenge itself, seeing how close we can emulate a Mac; if we went out and bought macs, well that just wouldnt be fun anymore would it :)

2) We like the look, not the OS. I'm not a mac basher, but I'm very content with my Windows XP and my speedy rig; I go a University where we have all sorts of labs -- UNIX, Linux, PC, and Mac. I've used all platforms extensively. I prefer PCs, I just like to combine the lovely look of OS X (I'm running Icemans Jaguar Brushed Aluminumn Graphite and its .... gorgeous :)) with the functionality that I'm so familiar with

My two cents...

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Long semi-rant/ spanner in the works which may piss off a few folks in here.

Personally, I don't really care about Mac's one way or another. They are, generally speaking, a non-event to me. I've had a few but never really got along with them too well. They aren't 'perfection' (sorry Goku) they are just another pc with all the flaws inherent in computer design and implementation. Yes they do still crash, same as winboxes do. Winboxes may crash more simply because of all the diversity of dangerous little apps available that I'm so fond of installing. I also don't particularly like the Mac's modus operandi. I find them clumsy to use and sometimes downright annoying. They don't run all the apps I need, they *are* still overpriced and the only thing I find really appealing are some of the design elements. Having said that I don't run my pc in full Aqua emulation mode as I find the basic Mac look fairly dull which is why I and many Mac users change skins the same as we PC users do. And let's face it, the Mac emulation crew is only a small part of the whole skinning community.

Do I want a mac? Maybe just to play with, but when it comes down to putting my money where my mouth is, the WinBox wins every time. I still have seen no compelling reason to 'switch' to a Mac and it doesn't seem like that's going to change for a long time yet. I find Apples 'switch' advertising insulting at best. 'Hi, I'm a dumb-ass who can't work a simple pc so I got Mac', yeah, great advertising guys! Computers for idiots anyone?

Do I hate Mac's? No, I quite like many aspects of Macs, however, some good portion of the Mac user base are plain pricks, like many of the Unix zealots. Their hatred of PC's seems to be down to some deep-searted inferiority complex which makes them attack PC's and defend their

Mac's with a manic zeal in a very similar way that Lightwave 3d users spend all their time attacking 3dsMax. Max users, like most PC users don't even think about their (mostly insignificant) 'nemises'.. or could care less.

Skinning (not just to OS X) is a fun passtime for me. I tend to view the "why don't you just buy a Mac" comments with the full contempt they deserve. If I'd wanted a Mac I would have bought one! Every time I play with a Mac I always want to run screaming back to my PC. Wintel boxes just work in the way I like. Mac's do not. I don't want Apple to fail as a company, there are few enough choices about as it is. Competition is always good and if someone wants a Mac they should be able to have one. Me, I could care less about them. Just like I could care less about Atari's, Mac's and PC's back in my Amiga days.

However, Apple is an arrogant company which is another turn off for me. I've read enough bull**** in their campaign drivel over the years to have developed a very poor view of them as a company and I'm sure most of the crap comes from on high. For my everyday use I know the PC still is the better architrecture.

Sure MS is a crappy company too in different ways, and the massive (compared to Apple) assortment of both good and dodgy PC parts and programs on the market and the immesurable number of hardware/software configurations available makes me wonder how the systems work at all. Compared to Wintel, Apple has it damn easy and still hasn't got it right yet IMNSVHO. Both companies are also very petty.

Thinking differently (sic) just for the sake of it doesn't necessarily add up to a better thing.. just a different thing, a point worth pondering over.

Peace, and each to his or her own.


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Originally posted by smeggy@Dec 8 2002, 01:00 PM

Their hatred of PC's seems to be down to some deep-searted inferiority complex which makes them attack PC's and defend their Mac's with a manic zeal in a very similar way that Lightwave 3d users spend all their time attacking 3dsMax. Max users, like most PC users don't even think about their (mostly insignificant) 'nemises'.. or could care less.

I have always been a Lightwave 3D user since the first toaster came out and I don't always attack 3dsMax users... just mostly probably... :D

But anyway, I do have problems working with my macs too.


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well im a 3dsmax user right from the dos versions of it and i hate all other softwares ;) with the zeal ;) simplicity baby. :D

(except maya which shocks me a lot lately).

so anyway, everybody with his own taste, i care less about "challange" as i saw here, i might as well have the real thing, and continue skin my pc as much as possible while things are improving in the community...

whenever i run into a mac, i magnetically plug myself in and cannot let go. :P

its just how it is.

Smeggy regarding a mac crashing - thats a history back in the non-OSX life. then i agree, it was definitely unstable, just like every other os in the pc. And true, there are more applications in win32 so there is more chance for a crash- i just say that the GUI, the inovation and inventions were the best aspects of apple and thats where the pc has failed big time, and personaly, personaly (personal opinion) i think macs are an idol creations. so i got one and relieved my suffering and pain of the "challange" and now have a smile on my face while utilizing my "challange" ;)

i think the component for enjoyment is the DESKTOP INTERFACE, and u


Take care you guys.


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Ok. First of all, I think this thread is stupid. Second, many Mac users are also PC user (like me). Thirdly, most of those so-called elitists mac are probably PC fan boys who hate macs and anything mac-related/mac interface related sites like this site and others which have been attacked. Finally, take a look at the mac hating trolls hanging out at comp.sys.mac.advocacy or wincustomize for suspects.

Both machines have their strengths and weaknesses. I bought a mac because I like the unix underpinnings combined with the userfriendly interface. My PC is great for games and TV/DVD watching. :D

Can't we all just get along? :rolleyes: A computer is just a tool damnit. Don't make it your god. :lol:

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Originally posted by Binary@Dec 7 2002, 06:06 PM

I agree, alot of mac users have this elitist attitude and it stinks, they have no openmind whatsoever. All they think is "PC's suck", "Windows sucks" and they wont budge. I like both platforms and both machines. And people attacking sites like they have been, is just plain lame.

I strongly agree with Binary. I have a Macintosh SE with System 7.1 and a PowerBook 245B with System 7.5. On my PC I run Basilisk II with MacOS 8.1. I like the both systems, everyone have something that another don't. I like the competition, but some words like "Windows sucks" or "Mac sucks" are not fairplay. I have not enogh money to bought an iMac or something else, but I have a friend that bought a G4, after seeing my Aqua look windows.

In my youngness, I have seen a LC 475 Mac, running system 7.5, with skinning applications like "Churchwindows" or then "Kaleidoscope", that can skinning Win windows. Another application I have not in my mind their name, could emulate the Windows 95 taskbar.

What wrong if we can now emulate the OSX windows, dock and applebar?

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