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Xwincows Dock

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Stick with xwindows dock 2.0 but maybe import some features from 5.6.

Things I'd like to see

1. Finish docklet support.

2. Zoom on mouse over.

3. Improve Stack navigation into folders.

4. Improve previews of images, videos, audio.

5. Add stuff from docks in linux (search,etc).

By the way using your mod, running stable just using 4-5 extra megs of ram,no increase in cpu.

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@ramonflores: Maybe XWD5.6 is the best Windows Dock but I'm not able to modify it, because I'm not so comfortable with Delphi than C++.

@trinireddman: Some internal differences exists between XWD2.0.3.0 and my versions (like memory size) because it was necessary for me to make some modifications to succesfully first compile the sources. Actually, I'm trying to understand all the code to correct some annoying bugs. Improvements will come later...


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  • 3 months later...

Magnify Icons In Dock As You Scroll. A can't see in version 2.0.x.

I tested it on windows 7 and now I'm testing on windows 8 and not seen it work, maybe in the future it is an item that most want to see in operation. Anyway, it is a major breakthrough and a good job. I admire the efforts of those who do great work and most often do not have the financial and cultural recognition of others.

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I tested it on windows 7 and now I'm testing on windows 8 and not seen it work, maybe in the future it is an item that most want to see in operation.

What's the problem on Windows 8? I use version and windows 8 without any problem, even videos thumbails are working!

Edited by Filandre1
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