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[release] Compositex Theme


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Finally guys, the CompositeX theme is available for download at Jonmega.com. You can see more screenshots of the theme right here:






You can download it here:

Download Link

A full featured set of companions is available in elpincho’s web site, where you’ll find lots of useful resources:

elPincho's Web Site

Description: This theme recalls high-tech, cutting-edge materials such as Carbon Fiber, Kevlar, Aluminum and polymers. Deeply inspired by elpincho’s work, this theme is the result of the team work between me and my Spanish fellow.

The theme includes four color schemes: Venom (green), Black Ice (blue), Lava (red-orange) and Graphite (grey), four wallpapers, and the most perfect Cursor theme, the one made by Binary.

That’s all, don’t forget to read the Read me.txt file included and enjoy the theme.

We hope you like it.

PS: We want to thank to Jon from Jonmega.com his great support and kindness ;) Thank you Jon!

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after trying out this theme, I noticed this: the effect used in order to make the windows borders appear minimal (I'm assuming it's "magic pink") is still detected by various shadow programs, resulting in a "transparent border".

Here's a screenshot of what I mean.

edit: looking at the screenshots you submitted with the theme, it seems as if shadows work okay over there. Is this a compatibility problem with YZ shadow, or is this just my computer?


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Originally posted by Liron@Oct 15 2003, 10:29 PM

after trying out this theme, I noticed this: the effect used in order to make the windows borders appear minimal (I'm assuming it's "magic pink") is still detected by various shadow programs,  resulting in a "transparent border".

Here's a screenshot of what I mean.

edit: looking at the screenshots you submitted with the theme, it seems as if shadows work okay over there. Is this a compatibility problem with YZ shadow, or is this just my computer?

Its due to the 0 (or 1) pixel border. You must adjust the shadow of Y'z to be decaled of like 2 pixel to the right and down.

But I have also one bug to say. Its in the OB theme. The fonts are not always the same. Like the font when I'm on the desktop and QCD is right, but when I'm in IE and Explorer they change.. They are like the default windows font, really ugly. Why that?

And does someone made a Object Dock theme for this beautiful theme?

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Originally posted by godtoremain@Oct 15 2003, 05:15 PM

Its due to the 0 (or 1) pixel border. You must adjust the shadow of Y'z to be decaled of like 2 pixel to the right and down.

I couldn't have said it better :rolleyes:, thank you, but you may need to add 3 px instead 2 (not sure). And regarding the bug, I'll comment it with elpincho to see if he knows how to fix it.


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like i said on an earlier post, i really like the theme, i just have a followup request (and you might do it if you both want to be the most superduper themers ever!!) The exact same but maybe without the pixelated look, a smooth but colorful look... i don't know if it's my video card, but with the dots, in some places it looks like it's on 256 color mode.

i would even go so far as giving you both a new badge:

(thanks to loudude and wizard, i used their design for this)

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