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[Tips N' Tricks] Apple's Itunes For Windows

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What are some cool little tidbits that you found in iTunes?

Well, for those of you with iPods:

Notice that when you play a song in iTunes it adds 1 to the play count, well when you play a song on your iPod, it keeps track. When you sync them it adds the number of times you played it on the iPod and in iTunes :D Smart playlists are pretty cool!


To refresh a tag that you updated in another program perhaps, than just click it! I'm trying to figure out exactly how it will refresh and figure out if there is broken links :D

Go ahead, do you have any to share?

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I have seen people wishing you could queue up stuff in iTunes. Well aside from the obvious drag to playlist option there is another route:

1. Hold down the control key and click on the check box next to the song names. This will cause all of the songs to become unchecked (and skipped).

2. Now just check the songs you want to queue and let it play.

You can do all this while a song is playing so its really easy to do.

When you want to make everything checked again just hold down control and click the check box again.

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Originally posted by dav@Oct 18 2003, 05:31 PM

Notice that when you play a song in iTunes it adds 1 to the play count, well when you play a song on your iPod, it keeps track. When you sync them it adds the number of times you played it on the iPod and in iTunes  :D  Smart playlists are pretty cool!

Never noticed that. Thank you.

*looking at dav's avatar* Man they're is a whole lot of kittens around here.

Gosh, perverts.

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Here's a neat trick. Using a text editor, retype all the links in your m3u playlists from relative (i.e. \My Music\.. etc) into absolute (i.e. c:\My Music\... etc) links and Hey Presto, drag & drop of playlists works with iTunes.

And another one. When you rip tracks from a CD, rename them to something useful such as "Artist - Title" and copy them into a music directory of your own choice. :rant:

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Originally posted by SpidercrabX@Oct 18 2003, 04:23 PM

Here's a neat trick.  Using a text editor, retype all the links in your m3u playlists from relative (i.e. \My Music\.. etc) into absolute (i.e. c:\My Music\... etc) links and Hey Presto, drag & drop of playlists works with iTunes.

And another one.  When you rip tracks from a CD, rename them to something useful such as "Artist - Title" and copy them into a music directory of your own choice. :rant:

???? what?

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iTunes does NOT name imported ripped files with the "Artist - Title" convention. Instead it stupidly names them "track number - Title". I believe this was part of their strategy to convince the music indistry that iTunes would not be used for P2P file sharing. Therefore, a "neat trick" is that you have to bloody rename all your ripped files.

Secondly, it is an acknowledged bug in iTunes that it does NOT import playlists correctly unless your My music directory is in the same drive as iTunes. So another neat trick is to bloody edit all your playlists.

Anyone who has added a second drive just to store their growing mp3 collection, or uses a no C: drive, will not be able to use iTunes Playlist Import unless they edit all their playlists.

Of course every other media player manages to use playlists correctly.

I hope Apple fix the playlist bug and change their strategy with file naming.

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Originally posted by Nate1861@Oct 19 2003, 12:51 PM

I don't know, never thought about it, personally I like the way iTunes organized my collection  :)


I have nothing to hide. Most of my music is legitimate. And those that arent I have hard copies of to prove ownership.

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Originally posted by Duckie@Oct 19 2003, 05:52 PM


I have nothing to hide.  Most of my music is legitimate.  And those that arent I have hard copies of to prove ownership.

Make that three...

The only things iTunes does to my organisation is removing the year of release from albums and removing a hyphen from track names... Ooooh, scary ;)

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Problems arise with the way iTunes names files in the following situations:

1. If you use an early generation mp3 player like many of the mp3 capable DVD players that rely on the filename for the artist and title display. iTunes renamed files will not display correctly.

2. Same applies to any portable mp3 players that use the filename.

3. Most car mp3 players have a filename display option which is useful when the tag contents are incorrect or can't be read.

4. If you have been backing up your mp3's with backup software, then to rename every mp3 means you have to start from scratch again and waste hours just re-backing up with the new names for large collections.

5. Keeping the format of Artist - Title makes more sense than any other format.

Why change it? Why would anyone want to rename "Artist - Title" to "07-Title" or "Title" or even worse "Titl".

Apple could easily keep the Artist - Title format.

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Originally posted by Unbeliever@Oct 19 2003, 07:33 PM

U guys know that u can uncheck the Keep iTunes folder organized in Advanced preferences and iTunes will just read the files in ur folder without renaming the files?

I think they are talking about when it imports files as opposed to when you choose to consolidate your music with iTunes.

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[About the darker brushed on OSX]

Just a thought .... look sharp and you will note that not just the brushed seems darker on OSX ...everything is darker!!!!

So I guess it´s just about the screen capture.

Compare any brushed skin (ichat by Danimator ...etc) and you´ll see the brushed is same color!

Even if Windows has a lighter version ....I love it! No words to describe this app

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Originally posted by liquidbrain@Oct 19 2003, 09:39 PM

[About the darker brushed on OSX]

Just a thought .... look sharp and you will note that not just the brushed seems darker on OSX ...everything is darker!!!!

So I guess it´s just about the screen capture.

Compare any brushed skin (ichat by Danimator ...etc) and you´ll see the brushed is same color!

no, its not.

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Originally posted by SpidercrabX@Oct 19 2003, 10:17 PM

Problems arise with the way iTunes names files in the following situations:

1.  If you use an early generation mp3 player like many of the mp3 capable DVD players that rely on the filename for the artist and title display.  iTunes renamed files will not display correctly.

2.  Same applies to any portable mp3 players that use the filename.

3.  Most car mp3 players have a filename display option which is useful when the tag contents are incorrect or can't be read.

4.  If you have been backing up your mp3's with backup software, then to rename every mp3 means you have to start from scratch again and waste hours just re-backing up with the new names for large collections.

5.  Keeping the format of Artist - Title makes more sense than any other format. 

Why change it?  Why would anyone want to rename "Artist - Title" to "07-Title" or "Title" or even worse "Titl".

Apple could easily keep the Artist - Title format.

i like how it puts a track number...makes it so it's in the right order if you want to play the entire album in a program like winamp

my preferred formatting is 01-artist-track

get that program mp3tag and it'll name them according the id3 tag however you want in no time at all...just drag said folder into the window and do convert all.

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Originally posted by Unbeliever@Oct 19 2003, 03:11 PM

i`m lovin it :lol:

(except for the skin, i checked and macTunes has better, darker texture <_< )

look at the difference in colour!

hate to break it to everyone but the skins are really not that different, look at the original one for the mac, and look at the one for the PC, the pc PICTURE is lighter than the mac PICTURE, the album art is darker etc. Here is what they should look like comparatively after dropping the levels on the PC one

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Originally posted by Photo678@Oct 20 2003, 03:15 AM

hate to break it to everyone but the skins are really not that different, look at the original one for the mac, and look at the one for the PC, the pc PICTURE is lighter than the mac PICTURE, the album art is darker etc.  Here is what they should look like comparatively after dropping the levels on the PC one

:D I´m not the only one i saw that!

It´s just a problem about capturin´ screenshots

The LCD looks darker

The brushed looks darker

The album art looks darker

The bg on songs looks darker ..... c´mon! it´s just the picture darker!

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