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Plugin - Global Multimedia Keys

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If you have a multimedia keyboard with Play, Stop, etc. buttons, you've probably noticed that those keys only work if the iTunes window is the active window.

this plugin fixes it :D

You should put it in C:Program FilesiTunesPlug-Ins :)

Dude your awsome!! Just what i need so i don't tab out during a raid of WoW, " AFK iTunes "

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Hey, plugin sometimes doesn't work if you put it in x:program filesitunesplugins

Instead, try to put it into:

x:Documents and SettingsUSERNAMEApplication DataApple ComputeriTunesiTunes Plug-ins

and, on a safe side, here:

x:Documents and SettingsAll usersApplication DataApple ComputeriTunesiTunes Plug-ins


worked thanks :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought it was really quite rude to make us have to register to download this essential iTunes plugin... I use it on my main computer as if it were part of iTunes itself. I don't know where I got it if I didn't register here before though... (is that a new thing, needing to register?)

Anyway, for those of you who also believe it's quite a ripoff to have people need to register, and since that plugin is now deemed "abandonware" (since it was last updated in 2003), I hosted it elsewhere for all to enjoy:


(view the stats of that file at hostfile.org/viewfile.php?file=mmKeys.dll)

Incredibly, it still works with the most recent version of iTunes. Now that's portable code. :D

(edit: By the way, it's "plug-ins", not "plugins", for the folder name under Program FilesiTunes.)

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I was hopeful, put the dll file in all the folders mentioned, but no success. I read the rest of this thread for any glimmer of hope... I saw some mention somewhere of Mode 2... I'm assuming that's something different. Also, when I go to View, then Visualizer, it shows Global Multimedia Keys checked. I tried unchecking that too, without success.

HP Multimedia Keyboard, Window Media Center, Itunes (HP)

Rolled back keyboard driver too.

Any ideas would be appreciated, but I understand not likely, since it seems to be working for most others.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks so much!! Just what im looking for!

I know this is an old thread but the plug-in still works with iTunes!!!

Put into the folder C:Documents and SettingsxxxxxxApplication DataApple ComputeriTunesiTunes Plug-ins

The folder was already there so just paste the .dll in there, restart iTunes and use your media keys properly!!! =D

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  • 2 weeks later...

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