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AveTool - coming soon (I hope)


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Preview of AveTool




  • Desklet Authors
  • Skinners (AveTunes, etc...)
  • Anybody interested




If you are a desklet author or skinner, reply in this thread if you want to try test versions of this.


The following file is a stand-alone version of the AveDesk Stickies Desklet. Note that this build is from a very early test version, so there's lots of stuff that should not be there. http://mpj.tomaatnet.nl/stickynotes.zip

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if you don't get it, this is not for you.

Okay, I am guessing that you can basically take multiple desklets that are used in AveDesk and combine them to create your own application. Is this correct? If so, grand idea, it would somewhat eliminate the need for avedesk and allow you to create your own application. Which should create less need for system resources (in theory).

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Here's a very early test version.

http://mpj.tomaatnet.nl/AveTool.zip . Extract to your AveDesk folder.


  • The last dialog is currently the "version" page. Pressing next will compile the thing
  • You must pick a trayicon
  • by typing *.png in the "browse for trayicon" dialog you can also pick a PNG, which will be converted to an icon automatically.
  • You can hand change some of the policies.xml fields before pressing the final "next".

Remarks are appreciated.

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  • 2 years later...

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