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Fences by Stardock

Island Dog

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Stardock is excited to announce its most innovative desktop utility application since the popular WindowBlinds today – Stardock Fences for Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7. The free application from Stardock clears desktop clutter and provides consistency and organization for groups of files on the desktop. Fences allows users to literally “draw” labeled shaded areas on the desktop which become movable & resizable “containers” for desktop icons. These groups arrange and hide the files on the computer's desktop solving the "constant mess" problem that has plagued the desktop since its inception.

To help solve another weak point of the desktop - the mere appearance of clutter, Fences offers a novel quick-hide feature. Users can double click the desktop and all of the icons will fade out. When users double click again the icons will return. Users can pick and choose which desktop icons hide when the feature is activated.

Visit the Fences website to see more screenshots and videos of Fences in action, and for your free download.

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oh yeah. i read about it, but it was still in developement. well here it is. good, cuz i'm sick of organizing my desktop but can't stand a messy one. i'm downloading it now :)

hey, can some1 send me a cpy of fences? my web protecion blocks downloads from stardock and since fences is brand new there aren't other download stes thaat have it. so can sum1 plz send it 2 me? thnx

Do not double post - use the edit function - mps69

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  • 2 months later...

Here you go, did put the file on my own website, hope it works for you ^^

Fences v0.96 Community-Preview Beta - FREE This release is a beta / community preview, and will expire on August 31, 2009.

Fences is free and will remain free ; we hope to have a Pro version with even more features available later this year.

On a sidenote, I've used Fences earlier and it's very very nice :)

Right now I'm however using AveDesk to replicate the way a OSX desktop looks so don't have Fences installed right now.

Edited by DaveLister
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  • 2 months later...

I use it a while, and serves, but has a couple of mistakes, not too serious and it works pretty well, so if you do not have many customization options


yo lo use un tiempo, y sirve, pero tiene un par de errores, no muy graves y funciona bastante bien, eso si, no tiene muchas opciones de personalizacion

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  • 3 weeks later...

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