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Note: I have now made a second (much better) version - check my post further down this page.

Hey everyone,

I made this quite quickly today: it launches the heads up display of the Yahoo! Widget engine by simulating an F8 keypress. That's really all there is to it. I made it because a: I could, and because b: it allows me to have a dashboard icon on my dock like Mac OS X.

To install, simply unzip the files. Look in the folder you opted to unzip into. Drag the MyDashboard.exe file into your dock, then (because the existing icon will be pixelated) use the PNG icon to make it look nicer.

When you click the dashboard icon, your Yahoo! HUD will appear. Another click anywhere on the screen will hide it.

Tell me what you think!


EDIT: whoops, just realised I posted a non-working instaler. Sorry about that - fixed it.

EDIT: kftrainer has alerted me to the fact the installer still doesn't work. I apologise for that, and have now uploaded the files themselves minus the installer. Just extract them to whereever you like.

EDIT: this version is no longer downloadable. Check my post further down the page for v2!

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I did download it and here's what happened -it got to the installing window and did not find the unzip exe and then proceeded to keep downloading using my browser's automatcally and it is not suppose to do that is It?

there is a bug ther my friend -someone could accuse you of passing off some malware or spyware I hope not just for future reference

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I did download it and here's what happened -it got to the installing window and did not find the unzip exe and then proceeded to keep downloading using my browser's automatcally and it is not suppose to do that is It?

there is a bug ther my friend -someone could accuse you of passing off some malware or spyware I hope not just for future reference

Sorry about that, I have now uploaded the files themselves.

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